Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The puppet show as a life changer

By Leah Mwainyekule

THE pregnant wife has gone to the antenatal clinic for checkup.  The husband is home and furious that his wife has taken so long there.   He is waiting for her return so that he could show her who the real man is.  And yes, as she comes back he sends her packing, accusing her of infidelity.  What he doesn’t know is that he has been totally unfair to his wife.  But there is only one way to know… the puppet show!

The puppet show is a performing arts tool being used by youths in Kipili ward in Nkasi district, Rukwa region in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, to campaign for the gender oriented sexual and reproductive health and rights promotion.  And these youths even have an artistic name – Sound Beach Boys.

The Sound Beach Boys of Kipili are the favorite artists of Kipili.  They perform their duties under the coordination of the Mwambao Development Movement (MWADEMO), who are partners of the Resource Oriented Development Initiative (RODI) in implementing the TMEP project.  It is funded by the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education (RFSU).  

The Tanzania Men as Equal Partners (TMEP) is a project that aims to partner with Tanzanian men for gender oriented sexual and reproductive health and rights promotion.  The Sound Beach Boys (SBB) implement this project through performing arts, whereby they use puppets to send the message and even sing rap songs that campaign for the program.

Bazilio Kapunda is MWADEMO’s Executive Director,  he says that the artists have managed to do public awareness using puppets after attending a two week training in Sumbawanga, and the shows they do have managed to attract a lot of people because it is something new seeing puppets do the talking.  But what is most important is that the message reaches the community.

In the puppet show called “what you don’t know…” Mama Sadiki is being accused by her husband of going to meet other men and coming back home late, claiming that she took long at the antenatal clinic.  The husband sn’t want to listen.  He first beats up his pregnant wife and tells her to leave his house.  Unfortunately, some neighbors who are his friends agree with his decision, saying that women now have so many excuses to meet their boyfriends behind their husbands’ backs.  Luckily, one passer ­­­­by hears the men talking proudly, then he advises them not to misjudge their wives.  He tells them that husbands have the responsibility of escorting their wives to the antenatal clinic, and that way couples who go there are given first priority than those who do not.  Baba Sadiki understands, and promises to take his wife back and be with her whenever he is required.

“When we perform shows like this, you see a lot of people listening to us attentively and laughing at the humor.  But what is most, they get the message and have their questions answered after the show,” says Desderius Msafiri, who plays Mama Sadiki’s voice.

Lazaro Godfrey Kayumba is a rapper of the SBB and William Medad Kamangu is a dancer.  “We use all these methods to attract people.  People love entertainment, people love a little bit of laughter, and so if you use performing arts to send your message to the community you will definitely get good results,” they explain.

The boys say that their aim is to do as much shows as possible so that they could create awareness on reproductive and sexual health issues, and they believe that by working hard on their performances, the community will really appreciate the education that they are getting.

The Southern Beach Boys might be a group of only seven young men, but it is a group with a difference.  It is a group that performs to bring positive change in the community, and all this is done through puppets.  Through such kind of entertainment and humor, you could definitely expect the best.


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